ROWING: Hunyani Rowing Club, Mazowe Dam, 30 km north of Harare. Thur pms, most Suns. Robin Barrett 0772-345651
ROWING: Hunyani Rowing Club, Mazowe Dam, 30 km north of Harare. Thur pms, most Suns. Robin Barrett 0772-345651
SAILING, LAKE CHIVERO Jacana Yacht Club. Lorna McCosh OPTIMIST SAILING Coaches teach children 8-15yrs. Jacana Yacht Club. OCRA Zimbabwe has Optimists to hire. for further details (dates/times). Every 2nd Sun.
SCUBA DIVING with Scubaworld. Padi Dive course Mutorashanga: Open water skills, quarry dive, Sat. Padi Dive course Chinhoyi Caves, Sun, social divers welcome. Padi Bubble Maker course, children 8+. 0712-200624, 0772-226111,
SWIMMING Bianca’s Swim School at Innovate High Performance Gym. Bianca 0778-739280, Mon-Fri afternoons AQUA swim school, heated pool, Mt Pleasant. Ages 3-9 yrs. Beginners, stroke work and correction. Yvonne 0772-369239, Mon-Sat
HAKAS Harare Amateur Kayaking Association. Andrew 0772-601069, 0733-922188, KAYAK SKILLS COACHING 95 Brookridge, Hawkshead Rd Ext, Philadelphia. Practice Eskimo rolls in a warm pool, coaching/tips on paddling technique. Tue 5-7pm. 0777-281629, 0772-369 239,