Author name: Juliet Mashiri

When I first saw the title and debated on whether there was anything I could write…(G.Ngwenya)

When I first saw the title and debated on whether there was anything I could write, there was a sudden rush of places, dates, people that came to the fore, there was a re-igniting within me of stories that had been filed away in my subconscious and suddenly I could taste the desire that I

When I first saw the title and debated on whether there was anything I could write…(G.Ngwenya) Read More »

The time was nearing 7pm and the sky was dark… (W.Tadhuvana)

The time was nearing 7pm and the sky was dark, stars at sunset were shining like never before, illuminating the dark sky like snowflakes.  The crickets were in competition to outsmart each other in chirping, their chirps being the only sound in the atmosphere.  The temperatures had dropped to below three degrees Celsius and the

The time was nearing 7pm and the sky was dark… (W.Tadhuvana) Read More »